jQuery event.keyCode | event.charCode | event.which - Code Generator

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Key event handling is not that easy after all. However, it's more advisable to reliably get character codes during the keyPress event.

There are two different types of codes:
1.) event.keyCode: Keyboard Codes that Returns the Unicode value of a non-character key in a keypress event or any key in any other type of keyboard event.
2.) event.charCode: Character Codes that Returns the Unicode value of a character key pressed during a keypress event.

In this tool I was using jQuery events to get the corresponding event codes of the keys the user pressed.

$('#key').live('keypress', processKeyPress);
$('#key').live('keydown', processKeyDown);
$('#key').live('keyup', processKeyUp);

function processKeyDown(e) {
processEvent('keyPress', e);

function processKeyPress(e) {
processEvent('keyDown', e);

function processKeyUp(e) {
processEvent('keyUp', e);

processEvent = function(eventType, e) {
//Use window.event if it's IE
window.event ? e = window.event : e = e;

$('#'+ eventType +'_keyCode').text(e.keyCode);
$('#'+ eventType +'_charCode').text(e.charCode);
$('#'+ eventType +'_which').text(e.which);

Click this link Key Events Code Generator to view demo.