How to use Do While Loop and a For Loop Counter in VB.Net

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In this tutorial, we'll be working on a real example on how to use Do...While Loop and a For...Loop Counter in VB.Net.

Example Description:
1. A customer will be asked to enter the prices of 4 items purchased using an input box (create a counter loop).
2. A tax rate of 7% will be a constant.
3. Subtotal, tax rate, and total will be displayed in labels.
4. An accumulator inside the loop will be used to calculate the subtotal.
5. A pre-test post-test do while loop shall be used to control the limit of entering price.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub btnEnterPrices_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnEnterPrices.Click
Dim Price As String
Dim SubTotal As Double, Tax As Double, Total As Double
Dim limit As String, newLimit As String
Dim i As Integer, n As Integer, response As Integer

'Prompts the user the input the number of prices to be calculated
limit = InputBox("Please enter the number of prices to calculate")

'Check user input for a valid number
Do While IsNumeric(limit) = False
limit = InputBox("Please enter the number of prices to calculate")

'Start the counter up to the limit
For i = 1 To limit
'Prompts for the price
Price = InputBox("Please enter Price #" & i & ":", "Price # " & i)

'Check if the Price entered is valid
If IsNumeric(Price) = False Then
'Display an error message until the user enters a valid price
Do While IsNumeric(Price) = False
MsgBox("Please input another a valid Price", vbExclamation, "Invalid Price")
Price = InputBox("Please enter Price #" & i & ":", "Price # " & i)
'Calculate sub-total
SubTotal = SubTotal + Price
End If

If i = limit Then

'If the limit is reached,
'prompt the user whether to enter additional prices to calculate
response = MsgBox("Do you want to enter additional Price?", vbYesNo)

'If the user clicked Yes
If response = vbYes Then

'Prompt a new limit
newLimit = InputBox("Please enter number of additional Price to Calculate")

'Validate user input
Do While IsNumeric(newLimit) = False
newLimit = InputBox("Please enter number of additional Price to Calculate")

'Start a new counter for the new limit
For n = 1 To newLimit

'Prompt for the Price
Price = InputBox("Please enter Price #" & i + n & ":", "Price # " & i + n)

'Validate User Input
If IsNumeric(Price) = False Then

'Display a message while the price is not a valid number
Do While IsNumeric(Price) = False
MsgBox("Please input another a valid Price", vbExclamation, "Invalid Price")
Price = InputBox("Please enter Price #" & i + n & ":", "Price # " & i + n)
'Calculate Subtotal
SubTotal = SubTotal + Price
End If
Next n
End If
End If
Next i

'Calculate Tax and the Total Price
Tax = Format(SubTotal * 0.07, "###.##")
Total = Format(SubTotal + Tax, "###.##")

'Display results inside labels
lblSubTotal.Text = "$" & SubTotal
lblTax.Text = "$" & Tax
lblTotal.Text = "$" & Total

End Sub

Private Sub btnExit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExit.Click
End Sub
End Class